Thursday, January 24, 2008


Business Text Software Means Success Is Just A Finger Click Away

Regardless of what size your business is, the single most important part of its success are your customers. You may have the best staff in your field, with the best management team to lead them, but without customers, how are you going to enjoy enough success to keep that team together? Thanks to mobile text advertising software, the answer may be easier than you think.

What Is Mobile Text Advertising Software?

Simply put, mobile text software is the next generation of advertising to both your existing customer base, and any potential new clients at the same time, using technology that everyone is familiar with. With the mobile phone industry playing such a crucial part in any business, you can see why a service such as mobile text advertising is virtually a no-brainer - after all, wouldn't any business like a potential client base of over 200 million contacts?

It's so easy to use as well, and the best part of all is that it's absolutely free - simply pay a one-off fee for the software itself, and there's no need to worry about individual text costs, different service provider charges, etc. All you need is for your company website to support the software we provide, and that's it - no hidden costs, no provider charges and no monthly administration costs. Just one simple payment for the software, and it's yours to use for life!

How Does Mobile Text Advertising Work?

Unlike many other online advertising campaigns, mobile text advertising is simplicity itself to set up and maintain. The software itself runs in conjunction with your product, so no matter what industry you're in, you'll always be ahead of the game when it comes to advertising to your customers, both new and old.

If you already have an email permission form on your website, you'll be familiar with how mobile text advertising works. When the software is installed on your site, every visitor will automatically be asked if they want to receive information about your products. However, the difference is that instead of that information going to an email account, where it could be ignored or filtered out with anti-spam software, the advertisement goes directly to that user's mobile phone.

Since everyone has their mobile phone on them at all times (especially businessmen for whom it's often the make-or-break tool in any sale), you're guaranteed that your message is getting read. And what better way to attract new sales or repeat business than an already receptive audience?

And since all the legwork is done by the automated software, you don't even have to worry about maintaining a database, leaving you to concentrate on making the best profits! Profits which are made even larger since there is no cost to send texts via mobile advertising, since it uses Web-to-mobilephone software.

Setting Mobile Text Advertising Up

One of the truly great features offered by mobile text advertising is the ease in which it can be set up, particularly if you're a small to medium sized business with little or no IT support teams. The software is already pre-programmed to be tailored to any website, and because of this, you don't even need to know how to programme - all you need to know is how to copy paste text onto your website, and you can be up and running within 30 minutes.

Couple this with full updates whenever mobile phone carriers have their own software updates, as well as the fact that you can change the text and advertising images to anything that you want to tell customers about, and you can see why mobile text advertising is the only way forward for your company.

What Do I Do Now?

Now that you know how it works, you can surely see the numerous benefits your company can expect when you purchase the mobile text advertising software. What you probably don't realise is how inexpensive it currently is to get it for your own company.

For the one-off payment of $39.99, not only will you get the software to install on your website, but you'll also receive a full digital user guide, to make sure you get the best possible results. Also included are four bonus pieces of software, from marketing tips and strategies to a full resource directory to show you how to maximise sales and follow-up advertising.

So, if you want to get ahead of your competitors, there's really no need to wait any longer - get started with mobile text advertising today, and watch your sales fly in.

Sean Derfield is a bar owner, and online marketer. He has many sites that deal with bringing more business thru your doors.Evangelina Blog59631
Ethyl Blog58487

Affirmations The Art of Positive Affirmations

In our previous article I outline how to make money with Money to Be Made Online, and overcome negatively charged affirmations that may have and adverse effect on your life. Today Im going to talk about how positive affirmations can change your life. There are some important aspects to creating positive affirmations. Were going to build on the previous topics discussed. Previously we learned a few guidelines, lets go over them briefly.

Affirmations should always be positive. If, for example, you want to quite or stop something, dont mention the bad habit you want to stop. Instead, try to create sentence using words that define the desired state you want to be in AFTER you quit or stop your bad habit. Take, for example, binge eating. Instead of affirming I no longer am a binge eater, you should say I eat a perfect amount of nutritious food every day. If youd like to decrease the amount of cravings you get to eat, you might say I crave small portions of nutritious and healthy food.

We previously discussed the other important factors of creating affirmations such as present tense, and using your everyday language. If you dont think in the manner your affirmations are created, it wont hit home as efficiently. If youre normal everyday mode of speech is simple, create simple sounding affirmations. You should also be aware of the way you affirm emotional states to yourself normally, and emulate the tone of voice internally when repeating your consciously created affirmations.

Be sure to also create your affirmations in the present tense, and dont include future or past tenses. Ok, now that were up to speed, Ill give you some examples and try to answer some frequently asked questions. Many people ask me What should my affirmations be about? The response I most often give to inquiries is this: Always try to make your affirmations have positively charged emotions. For example, "I feel great, I feel full of energy, and I feel secure".

People also ask Are there any things I should consistently include in my affirmations? My typical response to this question would be that: Your affirmations should include how you like your life to be. For example, when trying to create prosperity with Money to Be Made Online, I said things such as: "I am a successful person, I attract wealth and success, I work with other successful and positive people.

There are various approaches to creating affirmations. An alternative method is to use them to counter your negatively charged affirmations. If, for example, you catch yourself saying something negatively charged to yourself, have a pre-made positively charged affirmation that counters, balances, the negative thought. Use the pre-made affirmations to counteract the negative aspects you feel about yourself. It may take weeks to months, but youll notice changes after a while.

People tend to ask How long will it take? I usually inform them to be patient, and Ill talk about the time it usually takes to see effective changes a bit later. The next question Id like to address is: What are some real life examples? Has this technique worked for you? Ill give you a real life example by telling a short story.

I was fresh out of college when I found myself in debt, and had to pay bills. Even though I had a job, the interest from my bills made the process creep along very slowly, and I was eager to get out of debt as quick as possible. I decided to enter the business of selling products online at a discounted price. At first I was lazy and just copied other online stores, selling their products for a small commission. I wasnt making much money, and was about to quit.

During those times, I had streams of negatively charged thoughts, such as Maybe Im not cut out for this stuff, I cant do it, My store isnt as successful as others. All these negative thoughts, if allowed to continue, wouldve continued my path to failure in the online world of business. However, I used the technique outline above.

I started counteracting each negative thought with a positive one. After a while I noticed that I didnt feel bad about my store anymore, but was a little lazy and insecure about taking the risk of investing some money for advertising, and launching a store where I bought products straight from the distributor, like all the other big stores. I created affirmations for those setbacks as well, and before I knew it I was making good money, and was able to pay my bills.

Wouldnt you like the same types of success? Whether youre making money online with Money to Be Made Online, or have a job in the corporate world. Affirmations can help you succeed! Taken from real life experience Ive explained how negatively charged thoughts can affect your life, and how to change that effect with positive affirmations. I hope youll join me in the next update. Ill be discussing with you the refinement arts of creating more powerful and life changing affirmations!

Until next time, I hope to see you in the lands of success and happiness!

Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and the owner and publisher of A website that specializes in providing tips on how to REALLY make money online that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit today!Esma Blog62881
Violetta Blog28236

Internet Marketing In South Africa

Part 1

This article is written from my own experiences, on the many problems facing South African based internet marketers. As a South African, myself, I have been trying to establish myself in internet marketing, for the last three years, but have come across a number of obstacles, which have proved seriously detrimental to my efforts. If you are South African, you can probably relate to this. If you have been battling what seem insurmountable odds, or if you are new to this concept, the message is the same. Stop wasting your time and your money on what is bound to be nothing less than - wasting your time and your money and I will explain why I said that. If you are an internet marketer, who is not South African, you should also read this article, because you are, unwittingly, leaving a lot of money on the table.

As we all know, South Africa is a part of Africa and is unfairly considered as a third world country, with the incorrect perception that this second largest continent, is nothing more than a waste of time, in the field of internet marketing. Well, I beg to differ. I will attempt to outline some of the misconceptions, obstacles, causes and remedies that I have encountered.

Yes, it is true that Africa has not progressed as much as the so called first world countries, but it is taking giant strides towards that. The advent of the internet, is only just beginning to catch on and the vast majority of the population, still have no access at all, but it is coming and it is coming fast. The internet is now available in all countries around the world and Africa is no different. We all know about the Nigerian internet scams. It is just that the vast majority of the population are poverty stricken and cannot afford the service, many are illiterate and the majority of the continent consists of large open spaces and small villages, making the physical provision of any basic services such as electricity, clean water, telephones and other communication devices extremely difficult. It is also an ongoing problem, where these desperate people steal cables and anything that can be traded for a meal. So, at this stage the internet is only available in the bigger metropolitan areas. It makes sense, doesn't it? Imagine how easy it is to supply services to a very densely populated area like England and where everyone is literate, in a fixed abode and living above the poverty line.

South Africa is the most technically advanced country in Africa and not far behind the standards of the other technology rich countries, but we are seriously lacking in internet technology. The internet is still very new to South Africa and has only just begun to catch on. It is experiencing a phenomenal growth rate and more and more businesses and individuals are "hooking up". All of the major cities are able to offer various means of connection such as ADSL, bluetooth, wireless and people are getting connected on their pcs, laptops and cellphones. The rural areas are battling to get connected and the only option available to them at this stage is the old antiquated dial up system using a telephone line, or via satellite. Promises have been made by government, that in a few years, everyone will be able to get a telephone and therefore, will have internet access available to them. This represents an enormous potential for wary marketers.

This is the overview of the situation with internet access in Africa and more particularly, South Africa. In the next article, we will look at some of the problems faced by South African users and the effects they have on internet marketing.

Part 2

Recent political changes, have reversed the fortunes of the South African population, in that the previously disadvantaged black community, now have money and the fine things in life, including access to the internet. Whereas before they wouldn't have been considered a viable market, they are now able to access the internet and dabble in small business. They want more. The whites, on the other hand, now find themselves out of work, unsure of the future and desperately seeking an alternative means of income. Both groups make good target markets, and both are particularly keen on using the internet to improve their lot in life. Remember, the internet is the biggest employer in the world and does not recognise age, colour, education, physical disabilities, wealth etc. People hear of the successes achieved on the internet and are fooled into looking for a quick fix. The internet and marketing via this medium, gives everyone an equal opportunity, well, almost everyone. Not South Africans, unfortunately.

Something like 70% of the S.A internet community, access the internet on the computers at their places of employment and as much as two hours each workday, is lost to private usage of the internet. Obviously these people are not all looking for ways to make money, but a large percentage are. These people who are newly exposed to all the hype on the internet are easily sucked in to believing the sales pitch. A lot of money is being spent on all sorts of junk and causing many heartbroken families. I was like that too. I firmly believed I could make a lot of money on the internet and set about joining all sorts of schemes. They do not work, but these desperate and nave people don't know that. Imagine if it was possible to guide them, to channel all that energy and curiosity and of course all that money into your bank account? If those people all trusted you and listened to your advice, if you were able to develop well thought out plans and business opportunities? If those people all joined your membership site?

One of the biggest drawbacks in S.A is that the internet and allied services are still very expensive and difficulty in finding a good service provider. Other first world countries have direct, fast, unlimited service at very reasonable prices and if they do experience problems with the service provider, there are plenty of others to try. According to a recent survey, something like 70% of all internet users, regularly access the 'net from their places of employment. The employer provides pcs and internet for business purposes and these curious people cheat their employers, by using his service for private usage. People send emails to friends, go shopping, download files, look at pornography, play games, gamble and read classifieds and other adverts for a better job, or an easy method of earning more money. From this survey it was estimated that as much as 85% of this target group were looking for self employment opportunities. Now, that's a lot of people! If the price of internet access was cheaper, all these people would use it at home. In fact, most do have internet access at home, but due to small caps on their usage and exorbitant prices, they rather use the employer's service. My point is that millions are searching for opportunities on the internet and the fact that crime is rampant only makes them more determined, to start a business from home. This is a huge potential for marketers. So what is the problem? Why are more South Africans actively getting involved? In the next article, we will start looking at these problem areas.

Part 3

As the internet is still relatively new to South Africa, we don't have many experts, or experience in the field. Those calling themselves experts, have only a limited knowledge and are far too expensive, when compared to overseas competitors. Simple things like service provision, web hosting, design and site building, software, tools, optimisation and advertising, are grossly overpriced. In most cases, they are bought overseas and resold here. I was given a quote, last month, of R120 ($17) per month, for basic, small webhosting service, excluding the domain registration and excluding the internet service provision. That was only the hosting! I was quoted R6000 ($857) for a designer, to look at one of my websites and to make a couple of small changes. It is crazy. We pay between R8 and R12 for an mp3 song, which costs from 10c to 90c in the U.S.A.

The state owned telecommunications company, Telkom, have the monopoly and squash all opposition. This has led to very highly priced access and an indifferent service. Nearly all packages offered by them, or sub contactor service providers, are restricted and capped. The actual service, the technical help and the customer relations are dreadful. The dial up service is very unreliable, the speeds are far lower than advertised, due to the poor state of the physical 'phone lines and the modems cost the earth. Take the U.S.A for example, where there are something like 800 million people with regular access and hundreds of competitors all offering better prices. The internet is a way of life and the huge speeds and download capabilities are taken for granted. In South Africa only something like 27 million have any form of access, largely due to the high costs. I got a quote from Telkom last week for satellite service. The basic installation cost is R3100 ($443), paid upfront. The monthly rental for the satellite service, capped at 3 Gigs, is R1263 ($180) and I still need a service provider who comes in at a basic charge of R284 ($40) plus consumption and of course I still need to keep my basic phone service for R110 ($16) plus call usage. Once the cap is reached, the service is suspended and additional packages can be purchased for R120 ($17) per 250 Megs. So in all it will cost me, monthly, around R2317 ($331) for a basic internet service of 4Gigs and a phone at home. Obviously there are cheaper options available in the cities, but living out of town, there is no choice. By the way, a friend living in the U.S.A got a similar quote for only $40 (R280) per month and his service boasted more facilities and no capping whatsoever.

For some reason, probably the old apartheid days, South Africa was boycotted by the wealthy first world countries and nobody has told them yet, that times have changed. South Africans suffer many discriminatory obstacles in the use of the internet and over the last few years, I have repeatedly been stumped by these. I have two messages of advice here. To the frustrated, aspirant South African marketers and those who will follow shortly, stop and listen. Do not waste more time and money trying all sorts of offers, you will not succeed. Rather use the time to brush up on your skills. Select a market niche and learn to use control panel, FTP, html, php, hyperlinks and all the other things, that will help you to run your business. Wait for the solution. I have enlisted the help of two of the world's top marketers to find a way around the problems, for you. To the marketers who are knowingly, or unknowingly discriminating against certain countries, you are leaving money on the table and missing out on a huge potential market. But, that's okay, I'll take it. These are some of the more general problems experienced by South Africans. In the next article, we will look at some of the specific problems affecting our marketing abilities.

Part 4

By now, you are probably wondering what other problems I'm talking about and how they are affecting our chances of success. If you have been involved for a while, you have probably encountered a few of these yourself and if you are a newbie, you are likely to still come across these problems soon.

There are obvious generalities that exclude South Africans from participating. We joined about 163 survey companies, when we first started out on the internet. We soon found out that most were American companies and only for Americans. That makes sense, when the product, or service being rated is only available there, but why do they mislead us and take our money. You must have seen the misleading ads about how quick and easy it is to earn money by doing simple surveys. A lot of them claim to be international, for anybody who understands English. The same thing happens. You are invited to do the survey, but as soon as you type in your address, you are told it is not available in your area. We wasted a lot of money on these. The foolproof unconditional money back guarantees are a lot of hogwash. Just ignore them.

The same thing happened with the typing services. My wife joined a few of them, with the promise, that as long as she had a basic working knowledge of English, no experience was necessary. Money as easy and fast to earn, on simple assignments. Well, she wasn't given any assignments and on enquiring as to the reason, she was told that we spell differently. That was not ever mentioned at the time of joining and was also money wasted. For Pete's sake, we speak and spell correctly. It is the Americans who changed the language.

We also joined a lot of companies who promised to pay us for surfing and reading emails. We worked our butts off and eventually, after almost a year, had earned a whopping $247000! We tried to cash in, but were then told that no cheques could be issued. Monies were only paid into American bank accounts. They said they were an international company and anyone in the world could join. But, not get paid.

We often see special promos on free hosting, free domain registration and other all too important services. All looks great from the outside, but as soon as we apply we find out that we are unfortunately not eligible. I don't know how many times I have won prizes. Cash, free products, a trip, ocean cruises, but on trying to claim them, I'm told they don't apply to South Africans.

Very often, freebies are included to sweeten a deal. I joined a music site for mp3 downloads. The price was inclusive of a whole bunch of bonuses. I was to get meal tickets, petrol (gas) coupons, membership of some or other club, discounts on shopping, blah, blah, blah. Needles to say, I joined and paid full price, but never got any of the goodies that all my American counterparts received. I am very into music and 2 years ago I purchased Music Match Jukebox, with free updates for life, access to the online music shop and full usage of something I think was called Radio Gold. It was full access to 150 live radio stations. After I received my purchase, all I had was the jukebox and the promise of updates. On enquiry, I was told "Sorry, but this offer doesn't apply to you", but I paid the full price. Why don't they tell us before we pay? Why don't we get a discount? This seems to be common practice and apart from the obvious discrimination and disappointment is false advertising.

Anyway, these are some problems I have experienced, but not really connected in any way to our functionality at internet marketing. What are the problems facing South African marketers? More in the next article.

Part 5

We have covered quite a few problems facing South Africans already and here are some more.

Overseas companies, particularly those in the U.S.A, offering opportunities, services and resources, usually require a fixed email address, at the time of joining. This is to prevent temporary accounts and others such as Hotmail, from being used, as it is very easy to cancel, or change, after joining and the marketer is left with a useless address, in his contact list. South Africans have another problem, in that most of our suffixes, such as, telkomsa, za, are not allowed. Usually your country is required and many of the drop down menus have small, insignificant countries such as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mauritius, Ivory Coast listed, but not South Africa. So we have to get ourselves an email address with an overseas company, just to comply. Why?

We, as South Africans, have no shopping carts, or payment processors, suitable for international use, or integration, into overseas websites and the biggest culprit is PayPay. They are the first choice, worldwide and any marketer not offering PayPal, as a means of payment, is seriously disadvantaged. Why then, do they not deal with South Africa? Sure, you can make a purchase through them, but they will not collect monies for you, or allow you to make a withdrawal, if you are South African. Other smaller countries are catered for, but not S.A. There are other options, but none as popular. Most payments, affiliate plans and opportunities, pay through PayPal. I joined dozens of respected affiliate plans and spent a great deal of effort, on advertising, before I found out the truth.

A few months ago, I was experiencing the common problems all new marketers face. I knew what I wanted to do, but not how to actually get it done. I'm talking about the setting up, in order to start business. I needed a domain name, a website, content and products, a hosting service, a shopping cart, a mailing list facility, a form for grabbing visitor's details, a payment processor, or two, etc etc. You know what I'm talking about. There are so many options available. The web is full of them. Some are free, some cheap, some having special offers, but which was the best for my needs? Nobody tells you that sort of information. How much space do you need for a bookstore, how much bandwidth do you need for customer downloads? How does the speed affect you? I had played around a bit with wysiwyg editors and done a little html coding. I had used a couple of free websites and hey, the last one I built without their website templated builder. I thought I was getting good, but still a little out of my depth. That scared me a bit, so I decided to look for a ready made, turnkey business. They all say the only thing you need to do is to enter your password and account details, then sit back and watch the money roll in. Well I eventually found something that sounded ideal. It was expensive, but I thought I would be saving in the long run. I wanted to sell ebooks, articles, plr, courses and so on. I paid for this business, as I had seen the example and even test drove the shopping cart prior to purchase. Just when I thought I had found a shortcut to starting my business, the problems began. What problems? Read the next article to find out and to see the solution.

Part 6

We were talking about the problems I encountered after I had bought the bookstore. Well firstly, the whole bookstore was inphp with cpanel control panel, my sql and a whole lot of Greek terms. You remember I had worked with online and offline editors in wysiwyg and a little html. Well now I was lost. I was warned not to try to edit in an html editor, or I would corrupt the php. I had never used these before and couldn't understand why I couldn't find the pages, to edit them. Then I found that the currencies shown on the products were not compatible with the Rand, but I thought so what, I'll just sell in dollars. Then I found that PayPal was not an option. Damn, but hey, I could still use NoChex, or the other one, I forget the name. No way, Jose, those weren't allowed either. I had to have a banking account in USA or UK. I eventually got EGold to work, but how many people pay with gold? That bookstore is still sitting, gathering dust.

There are no local, South African internet companies, for memberships, product sourcing, resources, search engine optimisation etc, so we have to look abroad. Although these are offered reasonably, overseas, we are still subjected to the exchange rate. At present the rate is 7 to the $, 14 to the Pound and around 9 to the Euro, but even so, it is usually cheaper, than our own prices and of course you are spoilt for choice.

Training is another area seriously lacking. With all the conferences, seminars, teleseminars, video training and group discussions unavailable to us in S.A, how are we expected to learn and to keep abreast of developments? Dial up is not powerful enough and anyway it is limited to times between 7pm and 7am, which is a bad time, as even if you stay up all night, it is roughly midnight to midmorning in the States. So how do we learn?

So, with a very limited number of companies prepared to do business with us, with our lack of choice, with our very expensive internet service, with very little access to all the great offers, with our SA email addresses, with our antiquated dial ups, without access to genuine training videos, with the exorbitant exchange rate, with our different spelling, without any reciprocal banks or payment processors, without a compatible shopping cart, with the scams and rip offs and all the rest we have discussed, can South Africans ever hope to get involved in internet marketing?

The truth is rather bleak. Nobody is worried about us, or the problems we have and nobody seems to care. The big "guru" marketers don't seem to be able to think outside their statelines and regard us as a waste of time. They are happy to take our money, though. But wait, there does seem to be a solution for you. As I said earlier, I have teamed up with two of the world's top marketers and together, we are trying to resolve these issues. We will put together a complete, turnkey package deal, a ready to run business, with domain, hosting, website, content, decent affiliate plans, a stream of products, an exclusive membership, a working shopping cart and payment processor, training and ongoing support, a proven plan, optimisation, adsense and other monetised methods for those poor South Africans, who want to be marketers. The hardest part of having your own business, is setting it up and getting it working. You will be able to enter the market place and do very well for yourselves, with our help, so in the meantime, there are a few things you must do.

Familiarise yourself with market trends and choose a niche market, in which you want to trade. Start practicing the basics and learn how things work. Get your mind sorted out. Tell yourself you can do it and will change your life. Sign up to our newsletter and mailings. If you really want to finally realise your dreams, give up the job, work from home, earn a good income, have flexibility and satisfaction, and be competitive in the international arena, then there is only one way you are going to acquire this - through us.

To remain informed of our progress, by newsletter and mail, to get recommended tools and lessons and to start your journey to wealth, sign up here. It's free. Click this link :

Derek Robson is an up and coming South African internet marketer, with a vision of empowering all fellow South Africans, to have equal opportunity and success on the internet. He has started a string of sites, resources, courses and articles as part of Dersalsites.Ertha Blog13235
Vinnie Blog1761

6 Critical Elements In Creating Successful Web-Marketing Campaigns

With the growing realization that the marketplace is not what it used to be, more and more companies are turning to the Web as the marketing environment capable of reaching a dispersed diaspora of 'Long Tail' (Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail", Wired Magazine) interested prospects with a relevant memorable marketing message.

Realizing that you now have an economically viable multimedia platform that evens the marketing playing field, you must carefully consider how to proceed. If you merely transfer your traditional print advertising and direct marketing mailings to the Internet, you will be left behind.

Any business can put together a successful Web-based marketing plan if they take the time to define the six critical elements of a Web-marketing campaign:

1. Marketing Purpose
2. Marketing Objectives
3. Presentation Vehicle
4. Information Format
5. Marketing Venue
6. Achievable Expectations

1. Marketing Purpose

Marketing is all about building a brand personality that relates to an interested audience of either business-to-consumer or business-to-business prospects. Prospects search-out brands that help them construct and maintain their own self-image or at least an image that they aspire to, an image that they are comfortable communicating to others. The purchase, for example, of a Macintosh computer says as much about who bought it, as it does about that person's computing requirements.

"Thus, while the psychological/emotional need is to construct, reconstruct, and maintain the self-identity, the socio-cultural need is to communicate to others the self-identity." -Ouwersloot & Tudorica, 'Brand Personality Propositions'.

Accepting the need to build a brand personality that legitimate prospects can relate to might very well mean rethinking exactly who you are as a company and exactly what you are offering on both a psychological, emotional and socio-cultural level.

Most companies have a well-defined list of functional benefits that they provide clients; but what you have to ask yourself is, what psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural benefits do you offer and are they represented by your corporate image or brand personality? And if you think this only applies to consumer product companies, you are mistaken. Every company from industrial widget suppliers to packaged goods manufacturers needs to define their personality in terms of the emotive benefits they provide.

2. Marketing Objectives

One of the most difficult things for small companies to accept is that sales are the result of establishing an appropriate marketing framework. Once you recognize that the real purpose of marketing is to create a relationship with your audience based on an emotional connection in the form of a brand personality, you are ready for the next step: defining your marketing objectives.

Successful marketing campaigns rely on strategies and tactics that grow out of defining eight important marketing objectives.

Awareness: objective one is to make your market audience aware of your existence, but name recognition alone won't bring in the orders.

Attention: objective two is to draw attention to your company, product, or service. Your market audience may be aware of your existence but not understand or care what you do or why they should be interested. You have to do something to attract their attention before they'll listen to what you have to say.

Comprehension: objective three is to explain to your market audience what it is you are offering them. Telling people you sell the best widget and provide the best service is meaningless - your audience must understand how their personal or professional lives are going to be improved functionally, emotionally, and socially. Most automobiles will get you were you want to go (functional benefit), but a Mercedes gets you there in style (emotional benefit) and displays to the world that you are a success (social benefit). When was the last time you saw a real estate agent drive around in a jalopy? As focused on closing the sale as real estate agents are, they instinctively know they must project a confident, comfortable, successful professional image.

Knowledge: objective four is to provide your audience with the ammunition they need to make the purchase. Your prospects need to justify to themselves, their corporate superiors, or maybe their spouses, their purchasing decision. Prospects must be educated, informed, and enthused with the knowledge that your company, product, or service is the right choice.

Behavior/Experience: objective five is the creation of a corporate culture that matches your brand personality. If prospects are frustrated or annoyed by their experience in dealing with you, your website, or your email landing page, then all the feel-good advertising in the world is wasted. The customer experience of dealing with your company must match the image you project.

Involvement: objective six is to evangelize your customers so that they become involved in promoting your product, service, or company to their friends and colleagues. People want to show-off their intelligence, good taste, and business acumen. If your product fulfills your customers' emotional and psychological needs, they will become your best sales people.

Ability: objective seven is to education your customers so that they can maximize the benefits from their purchase. Show customers how to increase their ability to achieve, perform, or excel by using your product or service. It is absolutely amazing how many 'how to' books are sold by third parties to supplement the dreadful instructions and manuals provided by manufacturers. Think about the message you are sending customers when they have to buy a book with the word "Dummies" in the title, just to make your product work.

Opportunity: objective eight is to give customers the opportunity to purchase you product or service either directly or through an appropriate channel of distribution. Spending money on advertising and promotion for things people can't get is not much value. If prospects can't satisfy their needs when they want to, you'll have missed your chance.

3. Presentation Vehicle

Old habits and ideas are hard to overcome. After all we are creatures of habit, more accurately we are creatures of pattern. We understand the world around us by absorbing familiar patterns of action and behavior. Patterns make it easier for us to deal with the complexities of modern life and the demands of everyday work. This is a good thing as long as these patterns serve our needs, but the world of marketing communication has changed.

There is a new marketing paradigm that needs to be accepted and new sets of behavior patterns that need to be acknowledged. There was a time when you used the phone book to lookup phone numbers and the local newspaper to find what movies were playing; but today, the first place people go is the Internet. Things have changed and businesses have to change with the times.

Sure every business has a website, that's a given, but most websites are nothing more than digital versions of company brochures or catalogues that have been pushed and pulled out of shape by SEO consultants selling the latest miracle marketing cure - more traffic. Never mind the appropriateness of the traffic, or the relevancy of the bloated SEO-massaged content, or the meaningfulness of the marketing message. Traffic by itself will not win the day or get you where you want to be - this is nothing more than the same old shotgun volume broadcast approach that we know doesn't work for most companies.

The real issue here is presenting relevant, meaningful, compelling, informative, memorable material on your websites and landing pages to an interested audience that actually cares what you have to say - just make sure you say something worthwhile.

So how do we do it? The answer is Web-based multimedia presentations. Now let's be clear what we are not talking about: we are not talking about adding meaningless background music or irritating banner animations to your site. What we are talking about is using audio and video to present information that establishes your expertise, creates your brand personality, and delivers your marketing message so it sticks in the minds of your audience.

4. Information Format

Your Web-marketing campaign should consist of a variety of information vehicles that each build on one another, creating the image and delivering the information that will ultimately lead to a relationship.

Your Web-marketing campaign should be aimed at achieving more than just a sale; it should be aimed at creating a satisfied customer who will promote your company through word-of-mouth. To achieve this end you must deliver a variety of information to potential clients; information that attracts attention, narrows decisions, instructs usage, and promotes involvement.

Information as entertainment: when you want to establish a personality or image, your audio or video presentation should have some entertainment element. This entertainment element could be in the character of the presenter, the script or dialog being presented, or merely the style and panache of the voice-over announcer or on-screen actor.

Information as knowledge: there used to be a Buffalo-based clothing retailer that featured the slogan, 'an educated consumer is our best customer." They never had a sale, but all their clothes were discounted the same way on a sliding scale based on how long the merchandise was in inventory. All their advertisements explained their policy in clear, concise terms. They understood, that if customers know and trust their policy they would have confidence that they were buying from a legitimate retailer at a legitimate price.

Information as instruction: we live in a very complex world where products and services are increasingly complicated. If we want customers to take the leap of faith and buy our merchandise and hopefully upgrade to bigger, better, more expensive versions, then customers must understand how to use the product and also how to maximize the promised benefits from their purchase. Teaching people how to take better photographs with the camera you sell is a far better sales tactic that promoting an extra feature they will never use.

Information as involvement: we all know word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising. Getting your Web-audience involved in your campaigns through the use of contests, surveys, and interactive entertainments are only a few ways to get them involved. But the best way to get people involved in evangelizing your product is to provide an experience that echoes their psychological, emotional, and socio-cultural aspirations.

Information as promotion: let's face facts, the vast majority of website visitors are jaded and cynical and hypersensitive to unscrupulous online businesses. Most of your Web-audience puts you right next to politicians and used car salesman in the trust department. You are not going to overcome this lack of confidence with a website that smacks of high pressure or alternatively a website that bores people. Present your offer using real people delivering a well crafted message that reflects your company persona and inspires confidence rather than puts out danger signals.

5. Marketing Venue

The Web's multimedia capability has often been equated to an egalitarian form of television, where every company has a shot at attracting an audience without the high cost of buying airtime, but like television it is the programs people are attracted to, not the commercials. If your website is nothing more than a commercial your visitors will hyperlink themselves away from your site at warp speed.

If we equate the new multimedia Web to television, we must construct our websites as if they were programs, not brochures. An excellent example of this new style website is the Ford Motor Company's 'Bold Moves' site (

Your email marketing and Adword campaigns are the equivalent of program teasers, attracting people to your main site, campaign micro-site, or landing page based on a content hook and promise.

6. Achievable Expectations

We are all concerned about ROI but you cannot expect instantaneous results. Websites are long-term investments that must be continually tweaked to conform to your long-range strategic objectives. You must have realistic achievable expectations: new leads, customer inquiries, information requests, newsletter sign-ups, and even complaints. You cannot determine the value of your site based on direct sales alone. If you are not achieving adequate results, then it's time you rethought your website strategy in terms of it's multimedia content and program potential.

Jerry Bader is Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in using audio & video to create memorable Web-experiences. Visit, Contact or telephone (905) 764-1246.Vanda Blog79822
Feodora Blog99838

Internet Marketing And List Building: Show Them Why

People who are successful in Internet marketing understand the importance of having a squeeze page or list building page as the first page on their site because whether in Internet marketing or marketing in the real world, building a list is the most important thing you can do. So, how do you get people to sign up?... Show them what's in it for them.

Any great list building page has to have a great headline. It probably will have some kind of graphic or image, and three to five bullet points. It will also have an opt-in box, created by whichever autoresponder service you're using. That's all you need. Since you'll be providing further information for people after they join your list, it really doesn't have to be very long.

So, how do you get them to sign up? Believe it or not, it's not your picture. It might be your headline, but that will just get them reading down the page further. But your bullet points will tell them why they will want to fill in the boxes because in them, you're going to answer their question, "What's in it for me?" The acronym WIIFM is a staple of all marketing, Internet marketing or offline marketing, too.

What's the first step to writing the bullet points? Sit down and make a list of every benefit you can think of. What will your product or service do for the client? When you've finished, get up and walk away for a while. Let your subconscious work a while, and then go back and write a few more benefit statements. Take your time with this process because it's very, very important.

But what's a benefit? Put yourself into your customers' shoes. If you were thinking about signing up for your list, what would entice you? What would your product or service do for you?

Here's an example. Our My Fist List program, which is geared to new Internet marketing people or those who have been into Internet marketing for a while, but didn't realize the importance of building a list has these features:

*Find the right niche

*Buy a domain

*Set up a website

These features make you want to say, "So, what?" don't they? I mean, who cares if you find the right niche? You have to paint a mental picture for your customers so that they can see what finding a great niche, buying a domain, and setting up a website will do for them. Here's how:

*Make tons of cash when you find your first profitable niche.

*Choose a URL that will stick in people's minds when they're looking for (your product)

*Put your product or service before a hungry worldwide audience

Paint a mental picture for people. Show them how the features of your product or program will do for them. When you do that, they're more able to relate to what it is you're selling.

Successful Internet marketing requires you to build great squeeze pages. But it's easy. Use a great headline, some benefit-laden bullet points, and an opt-in box on your list building page and go for it!

Tellman Knudson is CEO of Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course. Visit at http://myfirstlist.comVivi Blog87545
Francesmary Blog8168

Developing the Best Internet Marketing Strategy

After spending the past decade talking with individuals wishing to promote their products and web sites online one theme appears to repeat itself and may be at the root of the marketer's problem.

Wikipedia states that:

"Real-life marketing primarily revolves around the application of a great deal of common-sense; dealing with a limited number of factors, in an environment of imperfect information and limited resources complicated by uncertainty and tight timescales. Use of classical marketing techniques, in these circumstances, is inevitably partial and uneven."

The average advertiser often perceives himself or herself as a full-fledged "marketer." This, too often, is far from reality. As the quote above shows there is an abundance of misinformation and limited, trustworthy resources on which one begins to build a marketing base. Choose the wrong ones and you are running around in circles, with little to show for your efforts.

Developing the best internet marketing strategy can be difficult. It must encompass a wide variety of services, methods, and techniques to even begin to show results. Often, the web site owner chooses one particular method, applies himself or herself to that task for a short period of time and then puts it on the back burner. They find that either the technique they decided upon was too hard to implement or too time consuming to pursue.

Then it's off to find the next "biggest and best" idea.

The lack of follow thru compounded with life pressures forces many to give up effectively working their online marketing strategy. Reviewing their plan of action, often it is discovered that there really is no method - just a hit and miss approach to try to gain web site recognition from a virtual world full of competitors.

Cost effective internet marketing and a solid online marketing strategy are key elements to your online business success. Following the latest and greatest fad becomes an all-consuming monster because reality tells us that there just isn't enough time in the day to work a fully developed online marketing strategy... not if you are going it alone. To further hinder one's efforts, many try to discover the "secret" from one online source or another. This, too, came chew up time and money without shedding any real light on effective marketing.

Individuals, small businesses, and large corporations running successful endeavors online have one thing in common - a solid marketing strategy and effective ways to implement their plans.

Remember, there is a good reason sayings like "Rome wasn't built in a day!" remain true even to today. Haphazard marketing brings haphazard (and frustrating) results.

Theresa Cahill has over two decades of online and offline marketing and puts that experience to use assisting businesses and store front owners in promoting their websites. FREE online marketing strategy analysis at Blog12145
Flore Blog22128

The Benefits Of Auto Wraps

When it comes to making a positive and effective marketing campaign, a number of different techniques and mediums can be applied. One of the growing trends in marketing is the premise of using a mobile vehicle in order to carry the message of a product, service or concept. This is not a new idea, since planes have been used to fly banners over areas and bumper stickers have been utilized for a long time. However, one of the main methods in which we are able to perform this process is beginning to evolve into something even more advantageous, effective and beneficial. Auto wraps are one of the most popular ways in which companies or individuals can advertise without spending too much money.

Auto wraps are cost effective

The truth is that they are able to affect a great deal of individuals in an easy manner. No longer do customers need to spend big allotments of cash for their advertising campaign in order to purchase billboard space that many people may end up ignoring and driving by without a second thought.

Auto wraps do the hard part

Now, we have auto wraps, which are advertisements that are placed onto a vehicle in order to have the message of the specific company easily transported for residents of many different areas to observe and take notice of while the vehicle simply goes about its way. It is not necessary for vehicles with auto wraps to stop or do anything out of the ordinary. All that needs to occur is that the vehicle will drive about where the vehicle was, or is, needed to. By just going about the daily routine, the auto wraps do the hard part the advertising for the company. At a fraction of the price as to what it would cost companies to invest in alternative methods of marketing and advertisement, auto wraps help companies to make smart and equitable decisions regardless of where they are located and what tasks or duties they perform.

Auto wraps are beneficial to virtually all types of companies

For many people, getting involved with auto wraps is not only a good idea, but it is sometimes vital to the company being able to get the attention and the business that it needs to grow and prosper as a place of business or operations. As a result, auto wraps are getting more and more popular - and printing companies, especially superior ones such as our company, have the knowledge and expertise to back up the processes that we promise our customers.

SignZoo's award winning auto wraps, and national network of certified installers installs your auto wrap at your convenience. Our in-house creative team will create custom fleet wraps that gets you noticed.Viola Blog12750
Vivi Blog37080

Ten Preparations to Make before Interviewing

1. First of all, know who the company is and what they do. Youll be asked, Have you heard of us? and it is better to be able to respond in the positive. You can use the Internet to find out something about them. You look unprepared if you havent even taken the time to look them up.

2. Make sure that you can remember what you did on your last few jobs. It doesnt look good if you are asked what the project was on a job you worked on recently and you cant even remember what the project did, or the name of it (been there).

3. Study up on the skills that you know that they are looking for. You may well be questioned or even tested on those skills. Sometimes its difficult to remember much about something you did two years ago, but youre going to have to. Youll have to brush up on it again if you hope to get the job.

4. Make sure that you are dressed well but not too flash. A suit is good, but a Rolex watch and big gold rings arent. It goes without saying that an open-necked shirt with your chest hair hanging out will not look good. The same goes for women with open-necked shirts (except for the hair hanging out part).

5. Dont set out for your interview in a Porsche or a sports car. If you have to, borrow a friend or spouses more sedate car. If youre a contractor, you may earn more money than your prospective boss but dont shove it in his face.

6. Dont wait to leave home till five or ten minutes before you have to. You dont want to be late. The first rule of salesmen is to never be late. And you are selling yourself, your services and your capabilities. On the other side, dont show up too early or you may appear too eager.

7. Find out from the agency that sends you if they have sent someone else there for an interview and ask them to find out what the interview and the interviewers are like. The agent will be willing to help you even if they have put someone else in.

They are also likely to have spoken to the interviewers and can give you an opinion on them.

8. If you know someone at the company, contact them to get the rundown on the company and the people interviewing you. If you dont know anyone, you might put out an email to your contacts to see if they know anyone inside the company.

9. Dont go out drinking the night before, or to a restaurant that has food that might affect your presence. Youre likely to be nervous and might have had to rush to get there on time. You never know what is seeping through your pores and into the interviewers nostrils in the small enclosed room where you are being interviewed.

Some non-intrusive aftershave or perfume might be good.

10. Convince yourself that you are the best person for the job and that they will be lucky to get you. Your confidence will come through. You will get this confidence through thorough preparation for the interview. Theres nothing more irritating than failing an interview by not being able to answer something that you should have known especially if you have been out of work for a while.

Extra tip: Use the Internet to get as much background information as you can.

Remember IBM, Sun, Microsoft, etc all have sites. Dont do your Internet investigation the night before the interview. You might find more information than you can cope with, or you may have an ISP problem and get nothing at all.

Gerry McLaughlin has fulfilled every role in Software Development from Trainee Programmer through Systems and Business Analysis, Project Leader and Manager, Systems Manager and Chief Information Officer with a department of 80 people. Tens of thousands of IT Contractors visit each month to keep themselves in touch with the market. Gerry McLaughlin has fulfilled every role in Software Development from Trainee Programmer through Systems and Business Analysis, Project Leader and Manager, Systems Manager and Chief Information Officer with a department of 80 people. Tens of thousands of IT Contractors visit each month to keep themselves in touch with the market.Esmeralda Blog16158
Fay Blog62409

Van Insurance Quote -- Know What to Look Out For

Small business insurance varies greatly in cost. Around thirty five hundred ponuds a year is average. Small business insurance providers are likely to change your van insurance quote based on the size of your business. This is determined by looking at how many employees you have, how much sales you do, and how risky the insurance company feels that you will be to insure.

Be sure to ask your agent to explain all the insurance categories that you might choose. Otherwise, you could risk being lumped in with other businesses that aren't suitable. Network installers and resellers are, for instance, very different from software developers, but risk being categorized with them if their business is not properly explained to the agent.

Each subcontractor you work with should also maintain both professional and general liability insurance, as well as errors and omissions coverage. Your insurance policy is unlikely to cover them. If you are covering them, realize that you are providing benefits similar to those given to an employee, rather than those usually provided to a contractor. Most people hire contractors to save money, so this is worth considering.

Be sure to talk to both your attorney and insurance agent when you apply for a business van insurance quote. This is especially true if you already have an existing agent for property and contents insurance policies. You may also wish to consult with your accountant to find out what sort of small business van insurance you will be able to afford.

Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on van insurance quote, tips visit his website Blog21309
Verina Blog35614

Online Schools: the Changing Face of K12 Student Learning

With each decade the face of education has changed to reflect the current trends in education. The policy initiatives of each president, governor, community leader and parent have been aimed at transforming children's learning environments into the ideal situation. While these initiatives may never succeed to meet every child's needs the combined result of their work has created an environment where education can now be tailored to meet the needs of every child through online schools.

Much like the advent of the search engine and booking our own airline travel, the Internet has introduced the nation to online education. To many, the commercial products available from higher education degree granting giants like the University of Phoenix define online learning. However, to a growing population of Americans, online schools have come to define the middle ground between home schooling and personalized public education.

While charter schools continue to spring up across the country, there are a select few that have been created in the charter school mold simply because the education establishment can not keep pace with today's innovations. In Ohio for example, the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT) was created in 2000 not to revolutionize charter schools, but to bring to Ohio's children and families leading education content in a format designed to enable every child to succeed. ECOT provides every child with an education option that delivers to each student exactly what they need while providing the comprehensive state standards based education that is the hallmark of successful public and private schools.

Other online schools and content companies such as the Florida Virtual Academy and K12 Education are part of a growing trend that brings together the real-life education community and the technology community. In many instances this partnership is a thorn in the side of traditional education and educators who see only standard classrooms as the answer to the ills of the American k-12 system

Online schools have revolutionized the workplace for skilled teachers and administrators. The result of this union is the ability to create a tailored classroom for gifted, struggling and needs-based students that, until the advent of online learning, were often segregated to specialty teaching groups to meet their potential.

The education landscape has changed and for many brick and mortar school districts this is a hard fact to face. The local school boards and education departments in America have begun to realize that business as usual isn't he solution to a rapidly advancing world and have begun to embrace the assets of online education.

Unlike the as-we-know-it classroom the online environment can be adjusted to meet the needs of every child and instill the state standards required of students since the advent of the No Child Left Behind Act without stagnating the classroom experience. From thousands of courses to graduation test practice sessions and immediate intervention opportunities, online schools offers to the students and families of 2006 what the computer breakthroughs of the past several decades offered to the business community. Simply put, online schools have the ability to provide every individual with the right information in the right format at the right time for optimal success.

Online schools were once considered the wave of the future. That future is now and the online revolution continues to shape the world of real life education without the boundaries of classroom walls.

Susan Bond works for - used by several high schools and school districts, including an Ohio online school.Freddy Blog56853
Fina Blog458

Make More Sales By Making Optimized Web Pages

So you'd like to be an Internet Marketer, marketing products or services on the Internet and live the good life that financial success can bring you. But how do you get to that point? How do you get a successful Internet business started?

Studies prove simple web sites can sale just as effectively as, or even better than, elaborately designed, phenomenal looking websites. Maybe you used your friend to make a web site for you and now you're sitting back waiting on the dollars. Perhaps you purchased FrontPage, Dreamweaver, GoLive, or another web site software product and have been making your own sites. Most people who try to make money on the Internet fail miserably, have you?

Let me share a another secret with you. It's not hard to learn HTML and CSS. It's not hard to make simple web page that can be very effective at selling. One of the problems with full blown software packages like FrontPage or Dreamweaver is that it makes it very easy to keep adding to and tweaking your web site until its way too busy to be an effective sales tool. I create the majority of my web sites by directly editing the HTML, ASP, or PHP code in a text editor. There are times that I will do an initial layout in a package such as FrontPage and do the remainder of the work using a text editor tool. This is especially true for pages that are interactive, like a page that contains a form to collect user data and populate a database such as mySQL, or a page that pull data from a database to create dynamic output.

Let me share one last secret with you. The pages you create to sell something are probably not very effective at selling, unless you're already successful, and experienced, at marketing and copywriting. When I first saw a sales page that had been optimized based on statistical analysis of successful and unsuccessful sales pages I was dismayed. I just knew that it was too simple and too plain to sell anything... I was not only wrong, I was dead wrong. I base my sales pages on this same statistically proven design, it's clean and simple and there's nothing complex or hard to about creating it. The main things are that you constrain the text in an area that's around 800 pixels wide and that you have a white background in this area. You can have a boarder around this body area and the page itself can be black or white. You can see an example at my web site.

I've given you three secrets that can make your web site more successful and more profitable. Don't just sit there, make it happen.

Fred Black has created an easy to follow, hands on, instructional video at, called An Introduction to Creating Web Sites.Veronike Blog91856
Vivi Blog37080

When is B2B Business Cash Needed?

In business we find that no matter the size cash is needed for some situations. It is not always necessary to make a large loan when a small amount is needed. It has been found that at times a business person maybe traveling for the company and they need money for such things as meals, tips, cab fares, and the like. Also a company representative may need to purchase a sample item while at a trade show to bring back or they may want to purchase some items for everyone in the office. That is why certain companies have made it their business to set up B2B Business cash advances. The process is so very simple that most business owners have a special number so when they make their call the B2B Business cash advance is automatically put into their bank account. Payment is easy as well because with this kind of advance the money is taken out of the same account when time is due.

The cash advance system ranges from a small loan of $500 to a larger amount around $3,000. There are multiple companies that deal in this type of loan. The truth is you do not even have to tell them why you need the money. The B2B Business cash network is increasingly growing all across the United States and in foreign countries. You can obtain money from foreign banks just as easily as you can from an American bank.

The small business person should go online and do a search for cash advance to find the best rate along with the time period to pay back the cash advance. The list of these companies is very long but it is made simple for the consumer in the search engine. I recommend companies such as Cash Advance, Payday Advance, Sonic Payday, Coastline Credit LTD, United Cash Loans, and AmeriLoan because they are all reliable, no collateral is needed, and the quick easy method of getting your cash on line saves time. Everyone is busy today so time is important as it is said time is money. Cash on hand is vital in some situations a B2B Business cash loan saves time and money.

The importance of obtaining a B2B Business cash loan is vital at times to keep some business persons up and running. A business may have invested the most of the capitol on supplies to finish a major project that would bring in enough revenue to keep the business going.

When is B2B Business Cash Needed?

The problem not enough cash to meet payroll in order to get this project going it is necessary to meet payroll. American Express and Visa have both created a purchasing card that when used a business owner can use this card as cash in their account. The account then can be used for payroll or even more supplies if need be. This form of B2B Business cash is getting to be one of the most popular methods of obtaining cash for those little business emergencies without the hassle of going to your local bank and borrowing every time a need pops up.

Visa conducted one of the largest studies on purchasing card benchmark back in 2005. The use of ready cash has grown in leaps and bounds. The use of this ready cash has been used by some executives to purchase automobiles, parties on yachts, expensive gifts for clients, and a variety of other not needed but much enjoyed items. The use of the B2B Business Cash has also saved smaller business from going out of business, helped them to grow, and made sure that they could remain sound.

The smaller business normally uses the on line sites for quick cash. The mid-size and larger business prefers the cash cards offered by companies such as Visa and American Express. They have accessibility to larger amounts of cash, each one of their executives can have their own card with a limit if the company so deems and the interest rates are normally pretty good. The B2B Business Cash has really become a success in modern business practices. The report discovered that about 85% of respondents increased purchasing power with the use of the B2B Business cash plan offered by these credit card companies. This is really a purchasing power that all new business people should consider. Those who have been in business should investigate the power of cash on hand without a hassle.

This article has been supplied courtesy of Bill Darken. Bill often writes for B2B Business Factoring. This site is dedicated to supplying the latest news and articles on small business factoring to assist people progressing with information and news. You can also look for small business information at small business answers. Small Business Loans are accessed at, Blog57632
Ertha Blog13235

Finding the Right Annuity

Annuities can provide a steady flow of retirement income. But there are many types of annuities and not all of them are right for everyone. Insurance companies and agents are sometimes over aggressive in trying to convince a consumer to buy a particular annuity. Just because an annuity comes with a recommendation doesnt always mean that it is the right one for a persons unique portfolio. It is always better to do the research to find the right one for your own situation.

Benefits and limitations of different annuities

By knowing the benefits and limitations of each type of annuity, you can find the right one for your needs. The immediate annuity is a good starting point. With an immediate annuity, the customer gives the insurance company a lump sum cash payment in exchange for a guaranteed monthly income payment that continues until the end of the clients life. With this type of annuity, the customer cannot outlive the money. The problem with this type of annuity in todays low long term interest rate climate is that the monthly income payments are not sufficient to justify the original large outlay of principal to buy the annuity.

Consumers shopping for an immediate annuity may also be comparative shopping for a fixed annuity. Many investors who are looking for a hedge against losses in the stock and bond markets look to the immediate annuity which offers a guaranteed return of principal. Conservative investors who normally keep their money in Money Market funds and CDs prefer the higher rates which insurance companies offer on fixed annuities. But because the owner of the annuity can only withdraw 10 percent of the principal a year, this would not be the right annuity for a consumer who needs to be able to withdraw larger amounts. This problem can sometimes be overcome by selecting a shorter annuitization period, thereby increasing the monthly payments.

For consumers who want to maximize growth rates and take advantage of tax deferral, the best option may be variable annuities. Variable annuities can offer the potential of a professionally managed capitol appreciation combined with tax-deferred earnings growth. When the stock market is in a high growth period like the last decade, the variable annuity has been widely sold because of its unlimited growth potential. Additionally since the capitol gains and dividends are deferred until withdrawal, the returns can be much greater. The biggest drawback to the variable annuity is this type of annuity is not guaranteed. Thus, in a major stock market decline the annuity can suffer a significant loss in value.

An investigation of annuities should also include the index annuity. The index annuity is one of the newer annuities to be offered to consumers. The appeal of this type of annuity is the growth potential in periods of rises in long-term interest rates. Index annuities owners benefit from increases in the stock market at rates that are higher than fixed rates. There are stop loss features which protect the principal from big market swings. The annuity is also guaranteed as long as the owner does not cash out the contract before the end of the surrender period.

The Use of Annuities for Retirement

With more people retiring and living into their 80s and 90s, it is important to have a plan that provides both income and growth. Annuities can be valuable additions to consumers financial portfolio. Finding out the different types of annuities and understanding their benefits and limitations can help in selecting the right product for your own financial situation. Whether you are looking for a guaranteed income from an immediate annuity or if you just want a higher return on your savings from an index annuity, annuities offer solutions to help meet your needs.

Harold Read has been a licensed Life, Health, Property and Casualty agent since 1988. For more information and articles on insurance visit Farrah Blog31887
Evanne Blog55450

Advertising Market from a South African Perspective

Advertising and marketing in the South African market is one of the toughest in the entire world, just for starters 22 different languages can be identified in our market. You might say this is common in many countries the world over. But do they have 11 official languages as is the case in South Africa.

Capturing a broad market in South Africa is virtually impossible unless you have an internationally acclaimed product, something that has built up a reputation overseas either in the USA or European markets. This is not to say our own big brands have not captured a broad South African audience or an international market but they a few and far between.

Our advertising and marketing techniques in South Africa must be simple yet effective if a broad customer base is to be achieved. Many South African advertising and marketing gurus are applying international principles to our market, wrong thing to do in my opinion. The basics, but add the South African flavour if you wish to succeed. Our biggest market in this country is largely illiterate and of a lower income so using expansive techniques to advertise and market your wares is generally not a good idea.

Proper market research for your products is essential, target a market and research every angle from language to demographics. If you have an excellent product made and produced in your country don't think this is a winning recipe in other countries. Do not expect that a pizza delivered in a box and a truly American way of doing things will work for a customer base in Iceland for example.

By all means promote pizza's in Iceland but ask your market how they want it delivered. Advertisers and marketing experts often forget this very simple marketing tools. Ask your market what they want, ultimately they are the ones buying the products.

Using opinion leaders in South Africa to create brand awareness is an essential tool to promote your products, this does come at a huge price and is usually out of reach for the small to medium business sectors. Creating good solid brands that are directed at a specific target market is often considered as not worth the cost.

Managers rely on hunches or intuition when designing their marketing mix. In the absence of feedback from their customers, they sometimes institute practises that customers object to. Over time, the customer base begins to erode and the business collapses.

Knowing your product and target market inside out is a great start to creating brand awareness.

Andrew SmitVanya Blog26667
Fannie Blog12562

Winning the Internet Game

If you want to be successful at the Internet Game you need to use these Internet Applications effectively. If you are missing even one of the applications in your marketing portfolio, you are loosing business.

* Website
* Opt In
* Key Word Selection
* Email Marketing
* Ezines
* Banner Advertisements
* Affiliate programs
* Notifying Internet Portals and Directories
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* Pay per click
* Blogs
* Chat Rooms
* Message Boards
* Opt In
* Ebay

To give you a better understanding of why these applications are important, lets briefly discuss each application


Your website content is one of the single most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It must be well thought out and structured well throughout your site. You will want to be sure you focus on how your product or service solves a problem or pain for the customer. This almost sounds too simple to work, but focusing on what you have to offer and how it solves the customers problem will pay substantial benefits for the long term.

Having a website will help you increase revenue, decrease expenses, and provide your customers with a higher level of service and support. Here are some examples of how your prospects will benefit from having a Web site.

* Open up a virtual storefront that creates an additional sales channel
* Sell products online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
* Introduce new products to the market faster
* Compete with big corporations based on service, price, and quality
* Capture the impulse buyer
* Accept credit card orders online in real time
* Optimize existing advertising (add a .com to ads directing customers to your dynamic, informative Web site)expose your business to new markets you may not otherwise reach
* Establish credibility with potential customers
* Provide fast, personalized service to customers
* Provide answers to frequently asked questions 24 hours a day
* Offer special packages or deals through your Web site
* Display testimonials from satisfied customers
* Send customers exclusive online coupons or discounts
* Allow customers to set appointments online
* Facilitate pro-active communication between you and your customers
* Respond to customers changing demands faster

Opt In

Confirmed opt-in has become the most rigorous method of obtaining permission to send email campaigns.

What does confirmed opt-in mean? And, is it for you? Well, first let's define the terms. Then, we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages so that you can make your own decision - and I'll throw in my two cents.

Single Opt-In (with a subscriber acknowledgement email) is the most widely accepted and routinely used method of obtaining email addresses and permission. A single opt-in list is created by inviting visitors and customers to subscribe to your email list. When you use a signup tag on your website, a message immediately goes out to the subscriber acknowledging the subscription. This message should reiterate what the subscriber has signed up for, and provide an immediate way for the subscriber to edit her interests or opt-out.

Confirmed Opt-In (a.k.a. double opt-in) is a more stringent method of obtaining permission to send email campaigns. Confirmed opt-in adds an additional step to the opt-in process. It requires the subscriber to respond to a confirmation email, either by clicking on a confirmation link, or by replying to the email to confirm their subscription. Only those subscribers who take this additional step are added to your list.

ISPs and corporations are now doing everything they can to stem the tide of spam flowing into their users' email inboxes. Without a foolproof solution to turn to, some ISPs, like Road Runner ( email addresses), now require confirmed opt-in for email delivery. They do this because the subscription tracking capabilities associated with confirmed opt-in can help them differentiate legitimate commercial email from spam and protect their customers from receiving spam.

Is Confirmed Opt-in for You?

While usage of confirmed opt-in is not widespread today, and we can't tell just yet if it will become the industry standard, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of confirmed opt-in so that you can make an educated decision on what is best for your business.

The Advantages:

In a nutshell, confirmed opt-in ensures that those who are receiving your email want to receive it; it can protect you against spam accusations; and it allows for email delivery to ISPs, like Road Runner, who require confirmed opt-in for email delivery.

The confirmed opt-in method prevents:
Email address collection without permission,
Accidental subscription due to email address typos, and
Subscriptions made by an unauthorized third party.

Key Word Selection

Choosing the right Keywords to target is of paramount importance to your success in search engine marketing.

Many online consumers know exactly what they are willing to spend when searching for retail products. You should try optimizing for products based on best value?

Example: "bridesmaid gifts under $20"
Example: "cars under $2000"
Example: "timeshare resale under $1000"
The above examples have low competition factors, so really think about how your target audience may be searching and optimize accordingly.

More online consumers know exactly what they're searching for when it comes to retail products. You should try optimizing for products by part or model number?
Example: nokia 8910 cell phone
Example: hp deskjet 5550 printer
Also, try adding "" quotes around your product and model number within the tag. For example, Looking for a "nokia 8910 cell phone?"

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools available for communicating and developing relationships. But, email marketing can only be that powerful when its done well.

Using your standard email client (e.g. Outlook, Eudora, hotmail, AOL, Yahoo etc.) to send a Bcc text or HTML message to your list is not doing email marketing well. Why not? Because your standard email client is not designed for email marketing and therefore has significant limitations that can actually undermine vs. aid your email marketing efforts.

The good news is you do not have to go it alone. There are Web-based email marketing services that are inexpensive and designed to make email marketing simple for the non-technical user. By using a good email marketing service, you can just easily avoid common mistakes and truly get the most out of your email marketing efforts.

Here are the top ten reasons you need an email marketing service. Coincidentally, these are also the top ten critical email marketing benefits that you will never get from any standard email client.

1. Are approved as bulk mailers
2. Follow professional mailing practices
3. Provide list hosting and management
4. Require no technical skill or support staff
5. Handle formatting
6. Create great looking emails
7. Get higher email deliverability
8. Deliver measurable results
9. Include frequent updates and enhancements
10. Comply with email laws


An Ezine is a periodic publication distributed by email or posted on a website.

Ezines are typically tightly focused on a subject area. Ezines in concept are reworking of the popular magazine format of monthly, or weekly topical publications, in an electronic format.

Ezines range greatly in size and scope, from irregular newsletters reaching a handful of subscribers to daily journals reaching hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Writing articles for ezines increases your visibility on the Internet. By writing articles, you establish your credibility as a market leader. By including your name, company name and website address, you will drive traffic back to your web site.

Banner Advertisements

Probably the most popular method of online advertising is through the use of banner ads. These are the advertisements, most often in rectangular boxes, that seem to appear on almost every page you look at on the Web. In addition to banner ads, some other ways you can advertise your online business include having your ad placed with a newsletter distribution service, and inserting your domain name ( in offline advertisements.

If you are unfamiliar with the process of running a banner ad, then you'll be surprised at how fast you can actually start pulling in visitors with this medium. While in the offline world it can take months to actually get your advertisement placed in a publication, in the online world the whole process can be accomplished in a matter of days. Another advantage of online advertising is that you can change your ad in the middle of a campaign.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs offer you a way to make money for your online business by advertising for other online businesses. In their simplest form, affiliate programs establish a business relationship between your business and another business, where you will receive a percentage, or a fee, for the sales that you generate for the other business. In a sense, by joining an affiliate program, you become an agent for another business and get a commission every time you sell something for that business. For instance, let's say that you joined an affiliate program that paid you a 15% commission on every sale that you made. If you sold an item worth $100, then you would receive a $15 commission from the affiliate program.

In order to join an affiliate program and begin earning commissions, you will be required to show a banner ad, or text link, for the other business on your Web site. For instance, if you join the affiliate program, you would place an banner ad on your Web site, with a special identification code, that links back to the site

Notifying Internet Portals and Directories

Getting listed with portals, search engines and directories is the beginning of your promotional campaign. By having your site properly indexed in these search engines, you stand a good chance of getting some visitors to your site. However, don't expect to have the world knocking at your door just because you have gotten your site listed in all of the major search engines.

Getting listed with the portals and directories can be done easily using an auto-posting service. You simply type, or cut and paste, the keywords and description for your online business in the appropriate boxes of the notification forms, and the auto-posting service will take care of the rest. In addition to getting your Web site listed across the Internet, many of these services will also analyze your site for loading speed, browser compatibility, and its ability to distinguish itself from the "crowd."

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is the technique of fine-tuning your website so that it appears more frequently and with a higher ranking in search engines, thereby increasing free traffic to the site. Each search engine compiles a database of web pages which are then ranked by relevance when a particular search term is entered. Every search engine uses different algorithms in order to determine a web page's relevance for a given search.

Pay Per Click

Google AdWords Select ( and Overture ( are the two leading Pay-per-click players, but there are over 400 search engines using this model. They all work in more or less the same way. You bid on keywords and phrases that your target audience may use to find your site in the search engines. When they do a search for those keywords your ad or "sponsored listing" appears in a special section near the top or side of the search results.

The position of your ad depends on the amount you bid and the competition for your keywords, so selecting the best keywords is essential. You pay only when someone clicks through to your site.


With a Blog, you can submit to the many Blog directories that exist online.

By submitting to the many blog directories in the proper category, you can expand your reach to targeted subscribers or readers who wants to read your posting on your area of specialization.

Blogs promote relationship building and trust with your readers, as it allows you to interact with them. Your readers can refer a friend and imagine the traffic power that can be generated if each one of your reader make a referral.

Chat Rooms

Use online chat rooms to promote your web site. Find the right chat room where your targeted audience would gather. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site. This will draw visitors to your web site. Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered spam.

Message Boards

A message board (also called a discussion forum or bulletin board) is a web-based tool that allows a group of users to discuss topics of interest with each other.

The most important function of a message board is to create a stronger connection between you and your customers. You may have the best product in the market, but if you cannot get enough feedback about your product, you will never know what your customers really think about it. A message board can provide you significantly better feedback about your product by allowing many-to-many connections

Opt In

Opt-in email is the opposite of "Spam" email. When people voluntarily sign-up to receive your electronic messages, they are "opting-in" to your mail list. Because they have actually requested information from you, your messages are not considered to be junk mail, spam, or unsolicited email.

Sending messages and information to people who have given you permission to contact them is a great way to build the kind of relationships that will encourage a steady flow of traffic to your website... and greatly increase your online sales!


On average, Ebay receives 40 million hits daily, and of that, it's average user views 17 pages. Most listings get at least 50 very targeted views. If you can get listed on eBay's "The Pulse" (most popular internet auctions) you are guaranteed at least 5,000 visitors to that listing, and many of them will click through to your site, affiliate link, whatever makes you money.

You can probably understand why you should consider eBay one of the most unique prospects on the internet. It's like the search engines USED to be, where you are guaranteed hits and visitors no matter what the field, and where being outrageous pays off.

For help or questions about Winning the Internet Game, contact G2Apex at or call 408-454-6543

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Alex Welz has over 17 years of experience in such diverse fields as computer engineering, customer relations, systemizing business practices, research and development, and business consulting. Alex currently owns and operates a Website sales and hosting businessViole Blog33462
Ventura Blog27779

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Finding The Best Home Based Internet Business Opportunity For You

The best home based Internet business opportunity for you is determined first on how high your love for that business.Do you already possessed some natural skills for it? How high is your energy level when exercising that sort of home based business? Do you have a previous experience that is connected to that business or are you ready or motivated enough to learn to break the barrier? Answering in an affirmative to these questions means that you're on the way, if not yet to enjoy your life, find happiness and develop a thriving and satisfying entrepreneurship.

The key is determining what you know and what you love. For some it's easy it's almost as if they were born signing or song writing. Perhaps they started writing short stories in first grade at their daddy's knee. There are those who started out their toddler years by taking apart and putting back together every mechanical thing they came across. These lucky folks seem to have been born into a chosen field of endeavor. But what about the rest of us? Some folks graduate from college still not sure about what they want to be and do? How do these folks decide the best home based Internet business opportunity for themselves?

One way might be to take an online test, such as a personality or skills set assessment. Some of these are free, while most have minimal charges. There are some that offer assessment tools that can be used by therapists, counselors, teachers and other professionals to help you determine the business that would best fit with your skills set and interests.

One test offered online, for those who want to make a decision on the best home based Internet business opportunity as well as those who are trying to decide on what career to pursue working for others, is offered by a prominent higher education and training publisher and online service.

This interest and skills survey measures an individual's attraction to specific areas of occupation. It goes beyond other traditional skills inventories, however, in that it adds parallel scales of skill that are able to estimate your confidence in your ability to perform these various occupational tasks. The data is rich and comprehensive thanks to this combination of testing tools. The test can be taken in person or online, but the online version is preferred if you're working with an employment counselor or other career professional. The Web version provides a unique counselor test management system and a career planner that is expansive.

This particular testing apparatus specializes in assessment of the best home based Internet business opportunity or careers for those who have completed or plan to complete at least a four year post-secondary education. The way the assessment works is to not only produce results that tell a potential entrepreneur the best home based Internet business opportunity for her or his interest or skills but also suggest academic studies that would hone these skills and enhance her ability to succeed. The assessment also offers advice to employees who are transitioning to a business opportunity, with particular attention to displaced employees who have decided to venture out on their own.


Thierry Goho is an Internet Marketer Expert. He is also a member of IAHBE(International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs). He has published many articles throughout the net about Work From Home Business Opportunities And Tips. For more informations about this author and for Best Home Business Opportunities And Tips, visit: http://www.gohomoney.comFrannie Blog21309
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